// why choose us

We're All Time Support.

All Time Support started in 2001 with an aim to serve the growing demands of IT infrastructure in Namma Bengaluru at affordable prices so that developing businesses can enjoy the use of latest technology while keeping their costs at bay. Before long, with the adoration and blessings from our customers we have grown and started serving small and medium business across India. Today we proudly serve Laptops, Desktops, Tablets and much more to a wide assortment of client base going from Startups to Fortune 500 companies.

We help you achieve your goals by bringing you closer to technology at an affordable price.

// Experience. Execution. Excellence.

Our Team

We have the most dedicated & experienced team of industry professionals with at least 21+ years of specialization in customer handling, IT Servicing & troubleshooting, who work beyond office hours to consistently deliver world class customer experience to a variety of businesses. They undergo vigorous and regular training to stay updated with the latest software & hardware. Our specialty lies in understanding what helps our clients in realizing their business goals and helping them bridge the technology gap at a very low cost.

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